job which is by no means critical to the security of the country requires me to
get information as quickly and efficiently as possible and disseminate that information
in a like manner. The majority of the time email will not deliver the results
in a satisfactory manner as it does not permit immediate follow up and the
process of obtaining all the necessary information can string across multiple correspondences.
Even when a dialog has taken place over multiple emails, a call is sometimes
still required. By this time, actionable items have passed and deadlines are
sometimes pushed back to those projects with remaining viability.
up the phone can cut out much of the time and get me the answers and
information I need to take immediate action on a given topic. However, whenever
possible, in person meetings are by far the best means by which to get a
complete picture on a subject in an efficient manner. Whenever I am given the
opportunity to meet with someone, I always make the time. Quality information
and program efficiency are two of the keys to a successful PR campaign. Really,
they are the drivers in any high volume industry that requires immediate
decisions and actions.
are times when in person briefings, meetings, and information sessions are not
possible but I do everything I can to avoid missing the opportunity. This is why
the recent report released by the Government Accountability Institute, a
conservative watchdog group, were a little mystifying. In that report they
report that President Obama has had in-person intelligence briefings during only
42% of his days in office which is slightly lower than the figure reported in
2012. Previously, the White House has addressed the subject saying that the
President “doesn’t feel the need to have a daily
in-person briefing, but that he reads his intelligence briefing daily on his
secure iPad and often sends emails with follow up questions.”
At the very least he should have taken
someone from the intelligence community with him golfing. Even if those were
his only meetings he might still be over 42%. Heck, he could even have them get
some intelligence on how to play particular holes. That could be a win-win scenario.
I don’t know the statistics from previous administrations it seems that any
executive that conducts his intelligence briefings in such a way would be hard
pressed to be an effective, well informed, and overall decisive leader. I can’t
effectively do my job without having all of the information in my hands as soon
as possible. The percentage seems a little too low especially given how many
events that have occurred (that we know about) over the past six years. But,
let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe all those golf outings are just
a rouse and the real briefings occur at the third bunker to the right of the 17th
hole at precisely 10:54am.
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