Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Masonic Marathon

The Tuesday’s immediately following our stated meeting are the nights when we train for the Masonic Marathon. These are the nights that consist of multiple degrees, hours of lodge time, and impressive demonstrations of memorization on the parts of those participating in the degree work. While it is not every month that such late nights occur, there are still the occasional evenings when I know my wife is not going to be happy with me when I walk through the apartment door.

This is not something any of us are paid to do. This is something that we do for our brothers and soon to be brothers. It is in the passion to see men improve themselves that we find the motivation to participate and congratulate. It is a regular experience that I consider a privilege to witness and play some small role in simply by being there.

Last night I found myself in the lodge during one of the longer nights when two degrees were conferred (it would have been three but there was a hold up as one of the candidates was not prepared). It was a long night to be sure but one during which we were able to see a man take his first steps in Freemasonry during the first half of the night and another man become a Master Mason in the second half of the night. In all, we were there for over three hours and departed the lodge absolutely wasted from the day.

Driving home it was interesting to think about the similarities and differences that some of the conferrers have as I have seen a number of different Past Masters confer degrees over the past 6+ months. From a brother in his forties to a brother in his eighties, all have has different approaches, presentations, styles and inflections while all maintaining an impressive script running through their minds.

Like the conferrers, the men whom have become Masons have been of all ages as well ranging from a man in his twenties to a man in his late seventies. All determined to become a part of the fraternity it just took a few of them a little longer than others. I have seen all these degrees from various vantage points as well. From simply being present to lend support to sitting as a stand in officer, to knowing that next year I will be playing a small but significant role throughout the process as Secretary.

This is not just a matter of seeking more light. It is seeing how the light is refracted and reflected. It is seeing the light from all angles and trying to take in as much as you can. It is a never ending journey and a process without pause as one can never capture every ray of light that is cast upon them.  


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